We study a paradigmatic system with long-range interactions: the Hamiltonian mean-field (HMF) model. It is shown that in the thermodynamic limit this model does not relax to the usual equilibrium Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Instead, the final stationary state has a peculiar core-halo structure. In the thermodynamic limit, HMF is neither ergodic nor mixing. Nevertheless, we find that using dynamical properties of Hamiltonian systems it is possible to quantitatively predict both the spin distribution and the velocity distribution functions in the final stationary state, without any adjustable parameters. We also show that HMF undergoes a nonequilibrium first-order phase transition between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.200603 PACS numbers: 05.20.Ày, 05.45.Àa, 05.70.Ln Since the early work of Clausius, Boltzmann, and Gibbs it has been known that for particles interacting through short-range potentials, the final stationary state reached by a system corresponds to the thermodynamic equilibrium [1]. Although no exact proof exists, in practice it is found that nonintegrable systems with a fixed energy and number of particles (microcanonical ensemble) always relax to a unique stationary state which only depends on the global conserved quantities: energy, momentum, and angular momentum. The equilibrium state does not depend on the specifics of the initial particle distribution. The situation is very different for systems in which particles interact through long-ranged unscreened potentials. This is the case for gravitational systems and confined one component plasmas [2,3]. For these systems, in the thermodynamic limit, the collision duration time diverges, and the thermodynamic equilibrium is never reached [4]. Instead, as time t ! 1, these systems become trapped in a stationary state characterized by a broken ergodicity [5][6][7]. Unlike the thermodynamic equilibrium, the stationary state depends explicitly on the initial particle distribution. Over the last 50 years, there has been a great effort to predict the final stationary state without having to explicitly solve the N-body dynamics or the collisionless Boltzmann (Vlasov) equation. Qualitatively, it has been observed that for many different systems the nonequilibrium stationary state has a peculiar core-halo shape. Recently, an ansatz solution to the Vlasov equation has been proposed which allowed us to explicitly calculate the core-halo distribution function for confined plasmas and self-gravitating systems [2,3]. In this Letter we will show that an ansatz solution is also possible for the Hamiltonian mean-field (HMF) model. The theory proposed allows us also to locate the nonequilibrium para-to-ferromagnetic phase transition, which earlier theories incorrectly predicted to be of second order [8]. All of the results are compared with the molecular dynamics simulations performed using a symplectic integrator, and are found to be in excellent agreement.The HMF model consists of N, XY interacting spins, whose dynamics i...