We consider finite frequency noise in a mesoscopic system with arbitrary interactions, connected to many terminals kept at finite electrochemical potentials. We show that the excess noise, obtained by subtracting the noise at zero voltage from that at finite voltage, can be asymmetric with respect to positive/negative frequencies if the system is non-linear. This explains a recent experimental observation in Josephson junctions as well as strong asymmetry obtained in typical non-linear and strongly correlated systems described by the Luttinger liquid (LL): edge states in the fractional quantum Hall effect, quantum wires and carbon nanotubes. Another important problem where the LL model applies is that of a coherent conductor embedded in an ohmic environment.
PACS numbers:The finite frequency (FF) current fluctuations have attracted a lot of interest in the mesoscopic community [1,2]. It has been possible to measure them in the quantum regime, i. e. at frequencies higher than temperature. Beyond the average current, they offer a powerful tool to reveal the charge and statistics of the charge carriers of a system when considered at zero-frequency. Nevertheless, they contain more rich informations at FF, such as on elementary excitations, typical energy scales, and especially on interactions, with the possibility to check the underlying model or access the correlation strength etc...It has been often stated in theoretical studies that one needs to symmetrize the current correlators, as they don't commute at different times, which leads to a FF symmetrized noise, symmetric with respect to positive/negative frequencies. Nevertheless, this has been often explored by the scattering approach at low frequencies compared to characteristic energy scales [2]. Few theoretical works went beyond this framework [3]. It has also been studied in systems where interactions intervene at any frequency scale in the FF noise such as chiral edge states in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect (FQHE), quantum wires and carbon nanotubes, described by the Luttinger liquid (LL) model, which leads to exotic phenomena such as charge fractionalization [5], spin-charge separation, and fractional statistics. It has been shown that LL is suited as well to describe a coherent conductor embedded into an ohmic environment [4]. The symmetrized FF noise has been studied in the FQHE in Ref. [6], and in Refs. [7] for quantum wires and carbon nanotubes connected to metallic leads, where it was shown that, while the presence of the metallic leads obscures it in the zero-frequency noise, the charge fractionalization is still present and can be extracted from the noise at high frequencies.Nevertheless, recent experiments [8] have got access to the non-symmetrized noise [9], and thus to the emission and the absorption components of the noise spectrum given by the noise at positive/negative frequencies. What is usually measured is the excess non-symmetrized noise, defined as the difference between the noise at finite voltage and at zero voltage, thus allowing t...