Single-molecule magnets (SMMs) are molecules that, below a certain temperature (T B ), function as individual nanoscale magnetic particles, exhibiting magnetization hysteresis loops.[1] As such, they represent an alternative and molecular (bottom-up) route to nanomagnetism, complementing the top-down approach to traditional magnetic nanomaterials.[2] SMMs also exhibit fascinating quantum behavior such as quantum tunneling of the magnetization (QTM) [3] and quantum phase interference (QPI), [4] showing that they are truly mesoscale entities straddling the classical/quantum divide. The barrier causing slow magnetization relaxation arises from a combination of a large ground-state spin (S) and easy-axis anisotropy (negative zerofield splitting parameter, D). The most studied SMMs are the 4 ] family with S = 10 ground states, and their derivatives, [5] while in recent years others have been discovered.[6] Alternating current (ac) magnetic susceptibility studies are a convenient method of assessing whether a compound might be an SMM; frequency-dependent out-of-phase (c'' M ) signals are indicative of the superparamagnet-like properties of an SMM. The variation in signal position with ac frequency can then be used as a source of rate vs T kinetic data, because the c'' M peak maximum is the temperature at which the angular frequency of the oscillating field equals the rate (1/t, where t is the relaxation lifetime) of spin vector reversal. This allows construction of a lnA C H T U N G T R E N N U N G (1/t) vs 1/T plot based on the Arrhenius relationship given in Equation (1), the behavior expected of a thermally-activated process over a single barrier:From the slope of the straight line can be obtained the effective barrier to relaxation (U eff ), and from the intercept the pre-exponential term (1/t 0 ). Adherence to the Arrhenius relationship has been a defining property of a SMM, reflecting the low-dimensional origin of its magnetic properties rather than 3D interactions and long-range magnetic order. Deviations