Dear session organizers, authors thanks the reviewers for the very useful suggestion and comments to include the quality of the paper. The text was modified accordingly and changed parts were highlighted with the red color. A detailed response to reviewer comments follows.
Response to Reviewer 1
Stochastic Eulerian field PDF methods are combined with a combination of acceleration strategies to reduce the computational cost associated with the use of large chemical mechanisms in CFD.The resulting model is used to simulate autoignition in a high-pressure turbulent spray combustion vessel under diesel-engine-like conditions. While the individual methods are not new, the combination of methods and their application to autoignition for enginerelevant conditions is novel, and would be of interest to the SAE audience. This is an approach that has significant potential for accurately capturing effects of turbulence-chemistry interaction over a wide range of engine operating conditions.Authors thanks the reviewer for the comments. The proposed combustion model based on Eulerian Stochastic fields will be continuosly developed and applied soon to more realistic engine studies. The title of the paper "Towards the Use of Eulerian Field PDF Methods for Combustion Modeling in IC Engines" should clearly indicate that this is a first attempt to apply what is considered by the combustion community to be one of the most complex and realistic models currently available to predict flame propagation. Presentation of preliminary results and discussion about them within the SAE world congress toghether with the major experts of the engine combustion community represents, to the authors' opinion, one of the best ways to understand the main advantages and drawbacks of such model and to find proper ways to improve it. For this reason, authors do not think this work is incomplete but it represents an important step towards the adoption of advanced models to predict combustion in IC engines. This reviewer's comment is not completely clear to the authors. The first sentence is just a general consideration, while the last one clearly states that this is just a preliminary work and for this reason further validation is required. For what concerns the model description, in this work it was not possible to include all the complete details about 1 how stochastic combustion models and related processes work. We recommend the reviewer to look at references [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] for further information. Eq. 1 illustrate the generic formulation of a transport equation for the joint pdf function inside the computational domain. Such equation is too complex to be solved directly (it is a transport equation for a function and not a scalar or vector field) and for this reason it is solved either with the help of Lagrangian particles (Lagrangian PDF methods) or by using Stochastic fields. The statement "summation is implied ..." is referred to divergence terms appearing in Eq. 1 and other transport equations included in this work as well. The W...