Background Information and communication technology (ICT) is revolutionizing the lives of people and operations of business organizations. Business organizations use ICT to process, store, disseminate, and promote their products and services globally. Beginning from the introduction of the internet, people have been accessing any information at anytime from anywhere. Hence, it is becoming inevitable to live without the aid of ICT. Being the world's largest economic endeavor, tourism is enhancing economies of countries. It accounts for 10% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) and 8.7% of the world's jobs (Meriague 2014). Furthermore, due to globalization, strong tourism sector is considered to be a sign of a country's social development, evolution, and progression (Meriague 2014). Since tourism is one of the major sectors in today's world, many countries are competing to attract tourists through all means of communication, and such communication has become a major driver of touristic sectors all over the world. The role of communication is to inform prospective tourists and influence their choices regarding touristic destinations and the type of touristic products they purchase. Many countries have succeeded in using ICTs and more precisely the internet to develop their tourism industries. For example, Malaysia and Australia have been very successful in attracting many tourists through these means (Mohsin 2005