“…Third, participants had to own a smart home device/technology. Within the main questionnaire, participants had to answer questions with regard to (1) the different UTAUT dimensions: (a) performance expectancy (PE, 4 items; "I find the services provided by a connected/smart home device useful", "A connected/smart home device increases my chances of achieving things that are important to me", "A connected/smart home device helps me accomplish things more quickly", "A connected/smart home device increases my productivity"); (b) effort expectancy (EE, 4 items, "Learning how to use a connected/smart home device is easy for me", "My interaction with a connected/smart home device is clear and understandable", "I find a connected/smart home device easy to use", "It is easy for me to become skillful at using a connected/smart home device"); (c) enjoyment (ENJ, 2 items, "When using smart home technology, I primarily want to have fun", "When using smart home technology, I primarily want to relieve boredom"); (d) facilitating conditions (FC, 4 items, "I have the resources necessary to use a connected/smart home", "I have the knowledge necessary to use a connected/smart home", "A connected/smart home is compatible with other technologies I use", "I can get help from others when I have difficulties using a connected/smart home"); and (e) price value (PV, 3 items, "A connected/smart home device is reasonably priced", "A connected/smart home device is a good value for the money", "At the current price, a connected/smart home device provides good value") [12,35]; (2) their perceived value for personalization (CVP, 3 items, "I value smart home technology that is personalized for the device that I use", "I value smart home technology that is personalized for my usage experience preferences", "I value smart home technology that acquires my personal preferences and personalizes the services and products themselves") The scale originally consisted of six items. However, we have chosen only those three which point to personalized data without limitations (e.g., anonymity).…”