The effect of various pretreatments on rayon fabrics before resin finishing was studied to clarify the mechanism of improvement in dry and wet crease recovery given by resin finishing. Preheating or alkali pretreatment enhanced dry crease recovery when using a reactant-type resin, but at the expense of improvement in wet crease recovery.To clarify the mechanism of improvement in dry and wet crease recovery by these pretreatments, infrared deuteration, x-ray diffraction, and lateral order distribution were carried out. Results are discussed taking into consideration the distribution of resin in the fibers and the water sensitive hydrogen bonds, which were effective only in dry crease recovery.Dry and wet crease recovery of textiles is an important factor, in resin finished wash and wear cellulosic fabrics. Reeves [ 17] related the improvement of dry and wet crease recovery of cotton fabrics to the interlamellar or inter-microfiliril crosslinks. On the other hand, Steele showed [18fthat intramolecular crosslinks were available only for wet crease recovery, and that intermolecular crosslinks as well as water sensitive links contributed to dry crease recovery.In previous papers (8, 9) we found that the factors effective in wet crease recovery were due to new covalent crosslinks and those in place of the water sensitive links, and that the factors effective in dry creases recovery were due to these two kinds of crosslinks and the rest of the water sensitive links.Recently, we found [7] that the cotton fabrics treated using the pad-cure process with a reactant type resin had higher wet and lower dry crease recovery than fabrics treated with the pad-dry-cure process. We explained these results by making the assumption that more crosslinks could be formed by the pad-cure process in intralamellar spaces at the swollen state. On the other hand, more crosslinks formed in the paddry-cure process in interlamellar spaces at the collapsed state as a result of the migration of the monomer from intra-, to interlamellar spaces, The drying process (before curing) necessarily moved the resin monomer from the lamellar out to the surface with the movement of the water. Many reports [ 10, 1 l, 16] referring to the effects on crease recovery of crosslinking of cotton fabrics at the swollen state showed that these fabrics had higher wet crease recovery by virtue of the covalent crosslinks in place of the water sensitive links, but few reports related the effect of preheating and alkali pretreatment before resin finishing of rayon fabrics.Preston el al. [ 15] Okajima et al. [ 12,20] investigated the change in fine structure of rayon fibers by wet heating and reported a decrease in swelling of the fibers in water.Yurugi et al. [21,22] reported the change of the crystalline structure from cellulose II to cellulose IV by wet heating rayon fibers, and Okajima tt al. [ 13] reported an increase in crystallinity and crystallite size by the same treatment.Recently Hindeleh [3] also showed the effect of a change in fiber structure such as crystall...