Accessibility has become a challenge in today's societies where everyone has equal rights to live in a barrier-free and accessible environment. A previous study indicated that those living in high-rise residences have limited access to facilities for the disabled that are provided in accordance to the Garis Panduan Reka Bentuk Sejagat (Universal Design). This paper aimed to determine the level of accessibility of selected six (6) design elements such as the ramp, stairs, main entrance, the lift, handrails, and parking space and the usefulness of legislation and standards in PPR Pekan Batu, Kuala Lumpur. Qualitative assessments were applied for the study using content analysis of planning guidelines and site observation. The results demonstrated that the efficiency of legislation and standards was a factor in the accessibility and usability of housing design elements for PWDs. Three (3) design elements- the stair, parking space, and main entrance, had recorded the lowest compliance scores compared to another two (2) elements- ramps and handrails, which recorded the second lowest compliance score. Meanwhile, the lift was recorded as the most compliant element based on its accessibility. The outcome of this study implied that different types of disabilities require varied housing accessibility requirements. This study improves accessible design elements for the disabled, resulting in a better environment.