Forests historically associated with frequent fire have changed dramatically due to fire suppression and past harvesting over the last century. The buildup of ladder fuels, which carry fire from the surface of the forest floor to tree crowns, is one of the critical changes, and it has contributed to uncharacteristically large and severe fires. The abundance of ladder fuels makes it difficult to return these forests to their natural fire regime or to meet management objectives. Despite the importance of ladder fuels, methods for quantifying them are limited and imprecise. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), a form of active remote sensing, is able to estimate many aspects of forest structure across a landscape. This study investigates a new method for quantifying ladder fuel in the field (using photographs with a calibration banner) and remotely (using LiDAR data). We apply these new techniques in the Klamath Mountains of Northern California to predict ladder fuel levels across the study area. Our results demonstrate a new utility of LiDAR data to identify fire hazard and areas in need of fuels reduction.Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 766 2 of 23 90% of trees are killed), which have been increasing [10,11]. These altered contemporary fire patterns are due to a number of factors, but considerable increases in surface and ladder fuels play an important role [12]. Ladder fuels allow fire to transition into overstory tree crowns by providing greater vertical fuel continuity, and fire burning ladder fuels also preheats canopy fuels that have not yet ignited [13]. Additionally, dense ladder fuels can make suppression more difficult and increase wildland firefighter exposure to hazardous conditions, especially when fire behavior shifts unexpectedly, by inhibiting escape to safety zones [14]. In addition to the biophysical influences of ladder fuels on fire behavior and fire management, they can also reduce habitat quality through decreasing accessibility and foraging efficiency for wildlife and tribal subsistence gathering [15].Despite the importance of ladder fuels to fire behavior, effects, and firefighter safety, they have not been directly quantified except in a few cases [13,16,17], all of which are sampled on the ground, with no explicit connection to remote sensing. Because ladder fuels are below the canopy, passive remote sensing platforms are not able to capture their composition, except in very open forests. In most cases, fire models utilize a surrogate for ladder fuels, which is comprised of a combination of canopy base height (CBH) and fuel model (sometimes with an adjustment of fire behavior) [18]. CBH is the height above which there is enough fuel per unit volume to carry the fire upward. The fuel density necessary to carry fire is most commonly 0.012 kg·m −3 [19], but other thresholds have been suggested and used [20][21][22][23].In addition to a variable fuel density threshold, estimations for CBH are commonly based on allometric equations, moving them further from a consistent direct measurement. Although activ...