This study is a cross-national com para tive ex ami na tion of the in stru men tal val ues un der ly ing the be hav iour of man ag ers and pro fes sional staff in the United Stated, Ja maica, the Ba ha mas, Co lom bia and Is rael. The theo reti cal foun da tion for the study is pro vided by a re con cep tu ali sa tion of the tra ditional individualism-collectivism con struct into ver ti cal and hori zon tal dimen sions. Ver ti cal ity as sumes the ac cep tance of authority-ranking while hori zon tal ness fa vours equal ity. Based on the re sults of a prin ci pal com ponents fac tor analy sis, four value di men sions were de rived. US re spon dents were theo rised to be ver ti cally in di vidu al ist, Co lom bian, Ja mai can, and Baha mian re spon dents to be ver ti cally col lec tiv ist, and Is raeli re spon dents to be hori zon tally col lec tiv ist. Pre dicta bly, par tici pants from the United States fa voured the ver ti cally in di vidu al ist val ues of am bi tion and in de pend ence, while those from Co lom bia es poused cheer ful ness and for give ness. Con trary to ex pec ta tions, val ues pref er ences of Ja mai can and Ba ha mian re spon dents con formed closely to those from the United States, with am bi tion and in depend ence su per or di nat ing col lec tiv ist val ues of love, obe di ence and for giveness. Mixed re sults were ob tained for the Is raeli sam ple with the pres ence of cer tain hori zon tally col lec tiv ist val ues in clud ing love and obe di ence tempered by the ab sence of oth ers like cheer ful ness and for give ness. Theo retical and prac ti cal im pli ca tions are dis cussed.