In barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) root cells, activity for oxidizing protoporphyrinogen to protoporphyrin (protoporphyrinogen oxidase), a step in chlorophyll and heme synthesis, was found both in the crude mitochondrial fraction and in a plasma membrane enriched fraction separated by a sucrose gradient technique utilized for preparing plasma membranes. The herbicides to increase greatly the intracellular levels of the photodynamic tetrapyrrole, protoporphyrin, causing light dependent phytotoxic effects (2-4, 6, 14-16, 18, 22-24, 26, 29). DPE herbicides also inhibit Protox, which is the last enzyme of the common branch of the heme and Chl biosynthetic pathways in plants and oxidizes protoporphyrinogen to protoporphyrin (1,5,12,20,21,27,30