The confidence-accuracy relationship has primarily been studied through recognition tests and correlation analysis. However, cued recall is more ecological from a forensic perspective. Moreover, there may be more informative ways of analysing the confidence-accuracy relationship than correlations. In the present study, participants viewed a video of a bank robbery and were asked cued recall questions covering general knowledge and the video itself. Confidence ratings were collected, and correlations, calibration and discrimination measures were calculated. All measures indicated a strong confidence-accuracy relationship that was better for general knowledge than eyewitness memory questions. However, there were no differences in confidence ratings for correct answers, suggesting that the differences could be limited to the evaluation of incorrect answers. We concluded that confidence may be a good marker for accuracy with cued recall, but that further research using ecological tests and more informative data analysis techniques is needed.Confidence in answers has been studied as a possible predictor of actual performance. Research on the confidence-accuracy relationship has been conducted using both general knowledge and eyewitness memory questions. Studies involving general knowledge questions have primarily been aimed at testing hypotheses and theories about how metamemory judgments work, whereas studies posing eyewitness memory questions have focused on application, based on the hypothesis that in a forensic context, confidence in answers helps distinguish between correct and incorrect information in a police interrogation.However, research conducted to date on the confidenceaccuracy relationship has some important shortcomings. First, it has primarily made use of recognition memory tests (e.g.