Speed of sound is one of the thermodynamic properties that can be measured with least uncertainty and is of great interest in developing equations of state. Moreover, accurate models are needed by the H2 industry to design the transport and storage stages of hydrogen blends in the natural gas network. This research aims to provide accurate data for (CH4 + H2) mixtures of nominal (5, 10, and 50) mol-% of hydrogen, in the p = (0.5 up to 20) MPa pressure range and with temperatures T = (273.16, 300, 325, 350, and 375) K. Using an acoustic spherical resonator, speed of sound was determined with an overall relative expanded (k = 2) uncertainty of 220 parts in 10 6 (0.022 %). Data were compared to reference equations of state for natural gas-like mixtures, such as AGA8-DC92 and GERG-2008.Average absolute deviations below 0.095% and percentage deviations between 0.029% and up to 0.30%, respectively, were obtained. Additionally, results were fitted to the acoustic virial equation of state and adiabatic coefficients, molar isochoric heat capacities and molar isobaric heat capacities as perfect-gas, together with second and third acoustic virial coefficients, and were estimated. Density second virial coefficients were also obtained.
KeywordsSpeed of sound; acoustic resonator; methane; hydrogen; heat capacities as perfect gas; virial coefficients R Molar gas constant, J•mol −1 •K −1 1 Component 1 of a binary mixture s Standard deviation 2 Component 2 of a binary mixture T Temperature, K AGA8 -DC92 Calculated from AGA8-DC92 equation of state u Standard uncertainty c Critical parameter U Expanded uncertainty EoS Calculated from an equation of state V Volume, m 3 exp Experimental data Vh Volume of the holes drilled in the transducer backplate, m 3 GERG -2008