Different equations of state (EOS) were applied for describing thermodynamic properties of the system $$\text {CO}_{2} + \text {O}_{2},$$
which is important for the Allam cycle: cubic EOS (Soave–Redlich–Kwong, Peng–Robinson), molecular-based EOS (PC-SAFT, PCP-SAFT, SAFT-VR Mie, polar soft-SAFT, BACKONE, sCPA), and multiparameter EOS (GERG-2008, EOS-CG). The pure component models were taken from the literature. The results for the mixture were compared to experimental data from the literature for two cases: (i) the thermodynamic properties of the mixture were modeled using predictive mixing and combination rules; (ii) additional binary interaction parameters were fitted to experimental data for improving the performance. In the predictive mode (i), the best results were obtained with molecular-based EOS. In the adjusted mode (ii) the best results were obtained with the multi-parameter GERG-2008 EOS and EOS-CG.