In general, land-atmosphere interactions are mainly controlled by the biophysical parameters of land surface, such as the land surface temperature (LST), soil moisture, leaf area index, and roughness length.So, the LST is one of the key environmental variables which can be used in a wide range of applications, such as weather, climate modeling, hydrology, surface urban heat island and ecology (Prata and Cechet, 1999; Voogt and Oke, 2003;Hong et al., 2009a). However, LST is one of the most difficult -653-
Development of Land Surface Temperature RetrievalAlgorithm from the MTSAT-2 Data
Ji-Hyun Kim and Myoung-Seok SuhDepartment of Atmospheric Science, Kongju National University, 182 Shinkwan-dong, Gongju-city 314-701, ChungCheongnam-do, KoreaAbstract : Land surface temperature (LST) is a one of the key variables of land surface which can be estimated from geostationary meteorological satellite. In this study, we have developed the three sets of LST retrieval algorithm from MTSAT-2 data through the radiative transfer simulations under various atmospheric profiles (TIGR data), satellite zenith angle, spectral emissivity, and surface lapse rate conditions using MODTRAN 4. The three LST algorithms are daytime, nighttime and total LST algorithms. The weighting method based on the solar zenith angle is developed for the consistent retrieval of LST at the early morning and evening time. The spectral emissivity of two thermal infrared channels is estimated by using vegetation coverage method with land cover map and 15-day normalized vegetation index data. In general, the three LST algorithms well estimated the LST without regard to the satellite zenith angle, water vapour amount, and surface lapse rate. However, the daytime LST algorithm shows a large bias especially for the warm LST (> 300 K) at day time conditions. The night LST algorithm shows a relatively large error for the LST (260 2 80K) at the night time conditions. The sensitivity analysis showed that the performance of weighting method is clearly improved regardless of the impacting conditions although the improvements of the weighted LST compared to the total LST are quite different according to the atmospheric and surface lapse rate conditions. The validation results of daytime (nighttime) LST with MODIS LST showed that the correlation coefficients, bias and RMSE are about 0.62~0.93 (0.44~0.83), -1.47~1.53 (-1.80~0.17), and 2.25~4.77 (2.15~ 4.27), respectively. However, the performance of daytime/nighttime LST algorithms is slightly degraded compared to that of the total LST algorithm. Received November 7, 2011; Revised November 30, 2011, Revised December 10, 2011 Accepted December 11, 2011. Corresponding Author: Myoung-Seok Suh ( surface variables to observe regularly due to the strong spatio-temporal variations. At present, the only available cost-effective operational systems capable of observing the LST at spatial and temporal resolutions appropriate to the various applications are the satellite sensors working in the thermal infrare...