In this work, collisions between rotating atomic clusters composed of Lennard-Jones ͑LJ n ͒ particles and an identical projectile have been investigated by means of trajectory simulations as a function of the cluster angular momentum J and internal energy E, and for different values of the projectile impact parameter b and relative velocity v p . As expected, the collision ͑P c ͑b͒͒ and capture ͓or sticking P s ͑b͔͒ probabilities are found to decay below unity for values of b larger than the average surface radius of the cluster, with dP / db being strongly dependent on v p . Both P c ͑b͒ and P s ͑b͒, however, appear to be largely insensitive to the modulus of the cluster angular momentum ͉J͉ and only weakly dependent on E for collisions involving target clusters with a lifetime Ͼ 100 ps. The latter findings are interpreted as indicating the absence of strong changes in the structure of the target as a function of ͉J͉ and E. The comparison between the dissociation lifetime ͑ dyn ͒ of the postcapture complexes ͑LJ n+1 ء ͒ obtained continuing trajectories after monomer capture and the one computed from the fragmentation of statistically prepared clusters ͑ stat ͒ supports the validity of a two-step capture-dissociation model; similarly, the comparison between the average amount of energy exchanged during trajectories ͑⌬E dyn ͒ in the process LJ n +LJ→ LJ n+1 ء → LJ n + LJ and the one predicted by statistical simulations ͑⌬E stat ͒ suggests a fast statistical energy redistribution in the collisional complex even for very short dyn ͑e.g., 40 ps͒. In the case of projectiles aimed at the edge of the cluster ͓͑grazing collisions, P c ͑b͒ Ͻ 1͔; however, the time elapsed between formal collision and dissociation, coll , is such that coll Ͻ stat and the trajectories indicate the presence of ballistic dynamics and of a weak energy exchange ͑⌬E coll Ͻ⌬E dyn , with ⌬E coll being the average energy exchanged during collisions͒. The relevance of these results to the study of gas phase nucleation and to the possibility of building a fully microcanonical framework for its description is discussed.