T here are many ways of modeling field effect transistor (FET) devices. Physics-based models do not require any kind of measurements. They are completely based on the physics of the FET and simulate its behavior solving semiconductor equations for different geometries and doping profiles. Although these models are very flexible, they are (to date) not useful to circuit design engineers because of their huge amount of computing time. The most common way in modeling FETs is the use of an equivalent circuit. The elements of the circuit are extracted using different kinds of measurements and afterwards described using either mathematical equations or look up tables. Both equations and tables must allow interpolation between nonmeasured DC values.This article describes an efficient method for FET modeling that requires a minimum number of measurements, namely only a set of small signal scattering parameters at different bias points. The proposed method is based on spline functions, takes into account thermal and noise effects, allows a scaling of different FET device geometries, and is available in commercial CAD software like Agilents Series IV or ADS.
Equivalent CircuitsThe equivalent circuit of a FET can be divided into two parts: constant and bias independent extrinsic elements and a bias dependent intrinsic part. Each element has a physical meaning. The extrinsic elements, for example, describe pad capacitances or resistivity of the transistor lines whereby the intrinsic charge zone of the FET is represented by the gate-source and gate-drain capacitances ( Figure 1).We propose an equivalent circuit [1] based on the well known 15 element circuitry [2], [3]. Some changes (Figure 1), however, are required for the nonlinear modeling:q All intrinsic elements are extracted bias dependent (both voltages) q The current source I DS is replaced by measured IV-curves I DS (V GS , V DS ) q Two Schottky diodes, which can be determined from the measured scattering parameters, describe its compression behavior September 2000 49