The problem of trajectory planning is relevant for the proper use of costly robotic systems to mitigate undesirable effects such as vibration and even wear on the mechanical structure of the system. The objective of this study is to design trajectories that are devoid of collision, velocity, acceleration, jerk and snap discontinuities so that the cycle time required to complete the process can be reduced. The trajectory design was constructed for all the six joints, using a 9 th order Bezier curve to accommodate the ten boundary conditions required to satisfy the continuity constraints for joints displacement, velocity, acceleration, jerk and snap. The scheme combines the multi-objective genetic algorithm and the multi-objective goal attainment algorithm to solve the problem of total tracking error reduction during arc welding. The use of a hybrid multi-objective algorithm shows an improved average spread, average distance, number of iteration and computational time. Also, it can be concluded from the constraints studied, that the optimal path in terms of the robots dynamic constraints can achieve the expected tracking ability in terms of the optimal joint angles, velocities, acceleration, jerk, snap and torque.