In a continuat ion of sp ectrophotometric studies of it s indicator properties in benzene, bromophthalein magenta E (t et rabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester) has been sholVn to react with 1,3-diphenylguanidine and with 1, 2,3-triphenylg uanidine in two s teps t hat correspond to the equations : (1) R 3N + HX<=± R 3NH+ ... X -(magenta) ; (2) R 3NH + . .. -X-+ R 3K <=± (R3NHNR3)+X -(blue). The association constants l{J and l{2 for these reactions with diphen ylguanidine are 2.2 x 105 and 15.5, respectively. For the reactions with triphenylguanidine, l{J is 525 and l{2 is of the same order as t he l{2 for t h e reaction with diphenylguanidine. R eplacing benzene by ethanol or pyridine produces the same kind of effec t a s increasing t he concentrat ioll of di-or t riphenylguanidine. The resul t s indicate t hat the Br\'lllsted-Lowr y formu lat ion of an ac id-base reaction should be modified, and that hydrogen acids should be regarded as a special class of Lewis acids.