(J a nu a ry 16, 1961) . This p a per ~ep o rts values of !lF25, !lB, a nd fl S25 for t he associa tion of diphenylgua nidine wI t h t he IsomerIC m onochloroben zoi c acids a nd the isomeri c toluic a cids in be nzene from spect rophoto metric m easure men t s at 25 a nd 30 oe, using bromopht ha lein m age nt.a E (3', 5' , 3", 5"-tetrabromophenolpht halein ethyl ester) as t he indicator. The result s a re compared wit h a va ila ble d ata for other d onor-acce ptor a ssociations in aprotic solven ts which Jll clude t. he monomer-dimer equilibrium of benzoic acids, t he association of tert iar y a mines :vi t~ iod ine, a nd t he a sociation of certain ox. vgen bases wi t h p henols. The co mpari sons Jl1d lcate that t he valu e of t he ratio fll-l /298fl S is approxima tely con stant in the followin g as ociations in aprotic solven ts : (1) Association of phenolic or carboxyli c acids wi t h nitroge nollS bases to fo rm h ydrogen bo nded io n-p a irs; (2) h ydrogen bo nd in g of weakly acidic phe nols to nit rogeno us bases; (3) association of t ert ia ry a mines wi t h iod ine. A som ewh at s ma ll e r value fo r t hi s rat io seems to a ppl y t.o most assoc iation s of pheno ls wi th oxygen bases. P ossible appli cations of t hese findin gs in clude est imation of other t hermody na mi c constants whe n on e of t he constan ts flF, flfT, or t::. S is kn own , a nd clarificatio n of the relative importance of ionic a nd covalent con t ribu tions in h ydroge n bond formation.