“…tvzcarbunyZ( 1-4-q-5P-methyZcyclohexa-l13-diene)iron(0) (2b) (0 31 g, 1%) was obtained b y distillation a t 35 "C (at 10F mmHg) as a golden oil [(Found: C,51.65;H,4.6. C,,Hl,FeO,requires C,51.32; H, 4.31%); vmax, (cyclohexane) 2 040 and 1 971 cm-l; v , , (liquid film) 1 375, 1332, and 965 cm l ; G(CDC1,) 0.88 (3 H , d , J 7 Hz, Me), 1.35-2.05 (3 H, m, 5a-, 6a-, 6p-H), 2.94 (1 H , d t , 4-H), 3.15 (1 H , ni, 1-H), and 5.05-5.35 (2 H , m, 2-, 3 -H ) ; m/z 234 ( M + , 2%), 206 (25), 178 (14), 162 (lo), 148 ( 16), and 134 (loo)] ; tvicarbonyZ( 1-4-r)-2-methoxy-3-metJzyZ~ycZohexa-1,3diene)iron(o) (2c) was obtained as a yellow solid (2.46 g, 10%); vlllrLY, (cyclohexane) 2 033, 1 964, and 1 955 an-'; v,,,~ (loo), 176 (7), 162 (8), and 148 (15). A sample was crystallised from pentane a t -78 "C for analysis, m.p.…”