Chem. 69, 28 (1991). Hydrolysis of aluminum(II1) ion in 3.0 M (Na)N03 medium was studied by emf method at 25°C. Data cover the range 1-78 rnM AI(II1) within the pH range of 2.0-4.5. At a definite pH, the extent of hydrolysis increases with increasing aluminium concentration, thereby indicating the presence of polynuclear hydrolysis products. The least squares treatment of the data indicates the formation of polynuclear hydrolytic complexes A 1 2 ( 0~) i f , Al2(OH):+, and Al3(OH)T. With the reactions written in the form p A13+ + qH20 * A~~( O H )~~~-~) + qH+ the stability constants obtained were log PZv2 = -7.55 2 0.21, log P2,4 = -16.41 f 0.13, and log P3,4 = -13.24 * 0.08.Distribution curves indicate that the complex A13(O~)$+ is predominant.