In this paper, we predict the adhesion energy terms in metal/ceramic systems by using acoustic parameters of these combinations. Different approaches are used. Semiempirical relations are deduced for all systems. As shown, in all cases, the adhesion energy W ad increases linearly with Rayleigh velocity of ceramic substrate V RC. It takes the form W ad = 0.07V RC + C, where the first term of this equation represents the van der Waals contribution to W ad , which only depends on V RC. The second term represents the equilibrium chemical bonds contribution (W chem-equil) and strongly depends on the systems combination as well as on the energy gap of the ceramics substrate. Moreover, the W chem-equil energy is higher for small bandgap ceramic materials due to substantial charge carriers' density inside ceramic crystal and, consequently, ease and height electron transfer through the metal/ceramic interface. In this case, the W chem-equil is essentially depends on Rayleigh velocity V RM of deposited metal. For large bandgap ceramic materials, there are practically no free charges inside ceramic crystal. In this case, the electrons' transfer cannot be taking place and, as a result, the W chem-equil contribution is negligible. The importance of obtained relation lies in its universality and applicability to all investigated systems.