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ABSTRACTVelocity and attenuation data were used to test theoretical equations describing the frequency dependence of compressional wave velocity and attenuation through gas-rich sediments in coastal Louisiana. The cross-well data (obtained from a variable-frequency, cross-well seismic experiment using source frequencies of 1, 3, 5, and 7 kHz) were augmented with velocities derived from a nearby seismic refraction station using a lowfrequency (QO Hz) source. Velocities obtained h m the borehole-sonic tool (18 kHz)were not used, because it is unclear at this time what signal phase was being detected. Energy at 1 and 3 kJ3z was successfully transmitted over distances from 3.69 to 30 m; the 5-and 7-lcHz data were obtained only at distances up to 20 m.Velocity tomograms were constructed for one borehole pair and covered a depth interval of 10-50 m. Results from the tomographic modeling indicate that gas-induced low velocities are present to depths of greater than 4-0 m. Analysis of the velocity dispersion suggests that gas-bubble resonance must be greater than 7 kHz, which is above the range of frequencies used in the experiment. Washout of the boreholes at depths above 15 m resulted in a degassed zone containing velocities higher than those indicated in both nearby reitaction and reflection surveys. Velocity and attenuation information were obtained for a low-velocity zone centered at a depth of approximately 18 m. Measured attenuations of 1.57,2.95, and 3.24 dB/m for the 3-, 5-, and 7-m~ signals, respectively, were modeled along with the velocity data using a silt-clay sediment type, Density and porosity data for the model were obtained from the geophysical logs; the bulk and shear moduli were estimated from published relationships. Modeling results indicate that gas bubbles measuring 1 mm in diameter occupy at least 25% to 35% of the pore space.