Continuous monitoring of total hemoglobin (THb) for the patients suffering from hematological or non-hematological diseases, snake bite, going through surgeries etc., finds immense clinical importance since Hb transports oxygen to the living tissues while being encapsulated within a red blood cell (RBC). Several techniques based on the electrical or chemical and or optical measurements have already been developed to determine total hemoglogin (THb) in blood. Many of them are clinically practiced. But, the very first step of processing which is common to all of them requires extraction of blood sample through venipuncture. That process is invasive, needs trained professional. A non-invasive, real-time, diagnostic tool is rather preferred especially for repeated testing. Having above two capabilities, a photoacoustic (PA) system with near-infrared illumination was previously proposed for THb determination. But a recent study on hemolysis monitoring with a low-cost NIR-PA system suggests that THb determination through NIR-PA requires apriori knowledge of hemolysis status of the sample. The question therefore remains if PA is at all suitable for this purpose. Additionally, in order to become more accessible to the patients, any such device must be portable, ergonomic and cost effective enough, which, in PA, rejects the use of bulky, expensive Nd:YAG or dye LASERs, leaving the power of the optical source limited. The present study reports a high-power LED based low-cost PA system with blue (456.5 nm) illumination that enables PA to determine total hemoglobin in blood irrespective of hemolysis status.