“…As the endogenous cortisol concentration is the best available bioassay of endogenous ACTH action, it seems likely that much of the immunoreactive ACTH present in both experimental models is not bioactive. The presence of immunoreactive, ACTH-related peptides with corticotropic, unchanged or anticorticotropic biological activity has been demonstrated in plasma and pituitaries of intact fetuses [10, 23, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41]and it has been speculated that this immunoreactivity may correspond to high molecular weight (MW) ACTH precursors [20, 38, 42, 43]. We have previously demonstrated that the HPD fetus has normal concentrations of both low and high MW ACTH-containing peptides by chromatography [13]and by two site immunoradiometric assays at days 130–140 GA [38, 44]and we now report an apparently identical biological scenario in intact fetuses using a radioimmunoassay that appears to preferentially bind low MW ACTH-immunoreactive species (our unpublished data based on assay of gel chromatography eluates from fetal plasma).…”