Protoporphyrin pigment causes the red-brown eggshell colors; however, for many species, the function of this pigment is unknown. It has been proposed that eggshell pigmentation may strengthen the shell or that it may be a sexually selected signal, which advertises the quality of the female and that of her offspring to the male parent. In this study, we aimed to discover whether protoporphyrin-based eggshell pigmentation patterns of Eurasian Great Tits (Parus major) were related to female or egg quality. Additionally, we tested whether different methods of eggshell pigmentation estimation could be reliable predictors of eggshell protoporphyrin levels. We found that spot intensity, spot size, spotting coverage, and brown spot chroma indicated the protoporphyrin pigment concentration of the eggshell. Our results revealed that Eurasian Great Tit females that laid eggs with darker pigmentation had more lymphocytes in their circulation and had paler yellow breast and lower UV plumage reflectance, possibly indicating poorer health and individual quality. However, we did not find evidence that eggshell pigmentation patterns indicated the body condition, body size, or plasma oxidative status of females. Furthermore, we found that eggs with darker spots contained lower concentrations of antioxidants in the yolk. High protoporphyrin levels may be detrimental to females as they may cause oxidative damage, and this may be why birds that laid eggs with darker spots deposited lower amounts of antioxidants into the egg yolk. Shell spot darkness may also indicate territory quality, as females that laid smaller clutches also laid eggs with higher eggshell pigmentation levels. Thus, our results suggest that shell spot darkness may indicate the state of health of the female, egg yolk antioxidant level, and possibly also the quality of the territory. Keywords: eggshell color, female condition, lymphocyte count, plumage coloration, protoporphyrin pigmentation, oxidative status, sexual signalling hypothesis Manchas má s oscuras de la cá scara de huevo indican un nivel má s bajo de antioxidantes y una menor calidad de la hembra en Parus major RESUMEN El pigmento protoporfirina causa el color marrón rojizo de la cáscara de huevo; sin embargo, para muchas especies, la función de este pigmento es desconocida. Se ha propuesto que la pigmentación de la cáscara de huevo fortalece la cáscara o que puede ser una señal seleccionada sexualmente, la cual publicita la calidad de la hembra y la de sus polluelos al macho paterno. En este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue determinar si el patrón de pigmentación de la cáscara de huevo basado en protoporfirina de Parus major estuvo relacionado a la calidad de la hembra o del huevo. Además, evaluamos si diferentes métodos de estimación de la pigmentación de la cáscara de huevo podrían ser predictores confiables del nivel de protoporfirina en la cáscara de huevo. Encontramos que la intensidad de las manchas, el tamaño de las manchas, la cobertura de las manchas y el color marrón de las manchas indica...