Corticotropin-relessing factor (CRF) is the most potent and effective natural stimulant of corticotropin (ACTH) secretion. In a tumor cell line of the mouse anterior pituitary (AtT-20/D16-16) consisting of a homogenous population of corticotrophs, CRF is known to increase adenylate cyclase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase activities as well as to release ACTH. To determine whether activation of cAMPdependent protein kinase is essential for CRF to evoke the secretion of ACTH, an inhibitor (PKI) of this kinase was inserted into AtT-20 cells. This was accomplished by frtst encapsulating PKI into liposomes and then covalently coupling them to protein A for binding to antibodies directed against an AtT-20 cell surface antigen, N-CAM (neural cell adhesion molecule). The binding of the liposomes to the anti-N-CAM antibodies led to the internalization of the PKI into the tumor cells. The PKI treatment greatly attenuated CRF-stimulated ACTH release as well as the secretory response to ,-adrenergic agonists. However, ACTH release in response to caerulein, an agonist of cholecystokinin 8 receptors, was not altered by the PKI treatment. CRF treatment also increased the levels of mRNA for proopiomelanocortin (POMC), the precursor for ACTH in AtT-20 cells. Application ofliposomes containing PKI to AtT-20 cells blocked the ability of CRF and 8-bromo-cAMP, but not phorbol ester, to increase POMC mRNA levels. The results revealed an essential role for cAMP in mediating the effect of CRF on ACTH release and POMC gene expression.Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) release is stimulated by a variety of hormones including corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) (1, 2), vasopressin (3,4), and catecholamines (5). These hormones may evoke secretion by initiating multiple events within the corticotroph. CRF activates both adenylate cyclase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase in rat anterior pituitary membranes (6) and homogenates of a tumor cell line of the mouse anterior pituitary (AtT-20/D16-16) consisting of a homogenous population of corticotrophs (7,8). These data suggest that cAMP is involved in the receptor-mediated release of ACTH. 8-Adrenergic agonists, which stimulate cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity and the secretion of ACTH from AtT-20 cells (7), also depolarize AtT-20 cells and increase the frequency of action potentials in these corticotrophs (9, 10). This electrical activity has been associated with transient calcium currents (9, 10), and (3-adrenergic agonists and forskolin, a direct activator at adenylate cyclase, increase cytosolic calcium levels in . In addition to cAMP and calcium, activators of protein kinase C evoke ACTH release (12), and recent studies (13) have suggested a role for phosphatidylinositol turnover in hormone secretion from corticotrophs.