The electrophysiological properties of the mouse anterior pituitary cell line AtT-20/D16-16 were investigated with intracellular and patch-clamp techniques. Clonal AtT-20/D16-16 cells were found to be electrically excitable, with most cells exhibiting spontaneous bursting action potentials. The mean burst rates varied from 1.4 Hz at -55 mV to 8.2 Hz at -25 mV, showing an approximately linear frequency-current relationship in the low current range. The bursts consisted of one to several fast Na4 spikes superimposed on a slow pacemaker potential, followed by a Ca2+ spike and a Ca2+-sensitive afterhyperpolarization. Removal of either Na+ or Ca2+ from the bathing medium led to cessation of spontaneous activity and the appearance of arrhythmic firing patterns. Single channel recordings revealed the presence of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels with unitary conductances of =130 pS in physiological medium. These channels were activated by both intracellular Ca2+ and membrane depolarization. Addition of norepinephrine (10 ,LM) led to increases in burst frequency and f8-endorphin secretion mediated by activation of f3-adrenergic receptors. Our results, in conjunction with previous work, suggest that the Ca2+ that enters the cell during the burst may be involved in hormone secretion.Clonal AtT-20/D16v mouse anterior pituitary tumor cells synthesize, store, and secrete corticotropin (ACTH), f3-lipotropin, ,3-endorphin, and other peptides derived from the corticotropin/p3-endorphin common precursor protein (1-5). The coordinate secretion of corticotropin and P3-endorphin by AtT-20/ D16v cells, or by cells of other clones, is stimulated up to 30-fold by depolarization with 50-80 mM KCI (4, 6-8) and by 10 ,uM norepinephrine (5). Secretion stimulated by these compounds is dependent on extracellular Ca2" (5-8), indicating a requirement for Ca2" influx in the release process.Secretions from a number of endocrine systems have been reported to involve Ca2" entry through voltage-sensitive channels. Thus, action potentials in which Ca2" was identified as the principal charge carrier have been recorded from cells of the ,B-pancreatic islets (9, 10), the anterior pituitary gland (11) Unless stated otherwise, the cells were treated with 1 mM dibutyryl cAMP (Boehringer Mannheim) for 1-3 wk prior to recording. This procedure doubled the average cell diameter, facilitating microelectrode impalement, but did not appreciably alter the excitability of the cells (8).Patch-clamp recordings were made at room temperature (22-24°C) by the method of Hamill et al. (18). The patch electrode was fabricated on a microforge and had a resistance of 3-5 MfQ when filled with physiological saline.The control solution had the following composition (mM):NaCI, 145; KCI, 5.4; MgCl2, 0.8; CaCl2, 1.8; glucose,25; Hepes/ NaOH, 10. Na+-free solutions were prepared by isosmotic substitution of sucrose for NaCl. Ca2+-free solutions were prepared by omitting CaCl2 from the control solution and adding EGTA to 0.5 mM and additional MgCl2 to 2.8 mM. All solutions we...