Background: Physical dormancy in seeds of the genus Lupinus restricts their ecological or agricultural use. Hypothesis: This dormancy can be broken when seeds are subjected to physical and chemical pretreatments that increase germination, mobilize reserves and decrease ABA. Studied species: Seeds of Lupinus exaltatus (Le), L. campestris (Lc) and L. montanus (Lm) from Puebla, México.
Methods:The following seven treatments, including a control, were applied: PG1 = 98 % H 2 SO 4 for 15 min, PG2 = wet sand at 80 °C for 5 min, PG3 = wet sand at 35 °C for 8 h and 16 h at 25 °C, PG4 = dry sand at 80 °C for 7 min, PG5 = dry sand at 150 °C for 1 min, PG6 = H 2 0 at 80 °C for 1 min, Control = untreated seeds. On days 0, 3, 5, 10 and 15 after seeding, we evaluated the percentage and rate of germination (GP and GR, respectively) and biochemical changes. Results: PG6 produced a higher GP in Le (41 %) and Lc (69 %), and PG1 produced a higher GP in Lm (37 %). In all three species, the highest GR was obtained with PG1 (1.95, 2.27 and 2.22 day -1 seeds, respectively). PG6 increased the protein concentration (53, 17, and 43 % for Le, Lc and Lm, respectively), amino acids (19, 44 and 31 %, respectively), reducing sugars (63, 18 and 96 %, respectively) and polyphenols (32, 55 and 75 %, respectively) but decreased soluble sugars (22, 29 and 23 %, respectively) and ABA relative to the control. Although only the correlation between the GP and amino acid content was significant and positive, and the correlation between GP, GR and soluble sugars was significant and negative. Conclusions: The effect of pre-germination treatments on germination was species-specific. The pretreatment with H 2 0 at 80 °C for 1 min increased germination and mobilized the seed's reserves in the process. Key words: Lupinus, physical dormancy, germination, protein, sugars.
ResumenAntecedentes: La latencia física en semillas del género Lupinus restringe su uso ecológico o agronómico. Hipótesis: Esta latencia puede liberarse al aplicarles pre-tratamientos físicos y químicos, lo que incrementa la germinación, moviliza reservas y disminuye el ABA. Resultados: El PG6 promovió mayor PG en Le (41 %) y Lc (69 %), y el PG1 en Lm (37 %). En las tres especies, la mayor VG fue con el PG1 (1.95, 2.27 y 2.22 semillas día -1 , respectivamente). Con PG6, se observó un incremento en concentración de proteína (53, 17, 43 % para Le, Lc y Lm, respectivamente), aminoácidos (19, 44 y 31 %), azú-cares reductores (63, 18 y 96 %) y polifenoles (32, 55 y 75 %) pero disminuyeron los azúcares solubles (22, 29 y 23 %) y ABA respecto al control. Aunque solo la correlación entre PG y aminoácidos fue significativa y positiva y entre PG, VG y azúcares solubles es significativa y negativa. Conclusiones: Entre especies, el efecto de los tratamientos pre-germinativos sobre la germinación fue diferencial. El uso de H 2 0 80 °C 1 min incrementó germinación y movilizó las reservas durante el proceso.