As part of a more detailed study on plant tumoigenesis, the acti of gibberellic acid (GAs) in wounded potato tuber tissues as a model system has been evaluated. GA, stimulates total RNA synthesis in wounded tissues, the optimal concentration being 0.1 micromolar. The responsiveness of the tissue toward the hormone develops with time after wounding.Wbereas freshly wounded tissue does not respond at all to the hormone, it becomes competent after about 6 hours, the competence being maximal after 1 day of wound heaig.GAs enhances the formation of poyribosomes in wounded tissues and stimulates the synthesis of both ribosomal RNAs, transfer RNAs, 5S RNA, and a fraction, which in sucrose density gradints sediments between 18S rRNA and 5S RNA. This fraction contains presumptive mRNA.The hormone, then, is somebow recognized by wounded potato tissue in a time-specific war, the sigal is transferd to the genome and triggers the synthesis of varous RNA species.