Transcription of bacteriophage Mu occurs in a regulatory cascade consisting of three phases: early, middle, and late. The 1.2-kb middle transcript is initiated at P. and encodes the C protein, the activator of late transcription. A Mu is a temperate phage that is capable of growth in several species of enteric bacteria, including Escherichia coli K-12 (for reviews, see references 41 and 52). Its lytic development is controlled by a regulatory cascade involving three phases of transcription: early, middle, and late (36). The production of phage particles requires the host RNA polymerase throughout the lytic cycle (55).Early transcription, which reaches a maximum 4 to 8 min after induction, initiates at P, (located 1 kb from the Mu left end [30]) and terminates 7 to 8 kb downstream, possibly at t92 (36,51,59,61). The early transcript encodes a number of proteins including A and B, which are involved in integration and replicative transposition (56, 59, 60), and Ner, which negatively regulates the level of early transcript during lytic growth (56,57,59). Early transcription does not require Mu protein synthesis or DNA replication (36,59,61). Late transcription begins 10 to 12 min after induction and increases until lysis at 45 to 60 min (36,50,59). The Mu C gene product serves as an activator for E. coli RNA polymerase-dependent transcription from four late promoters:Pjs, PI, Pp., and Pmom (5,34,35,50). These late transcripts encode the genes involved in phage morphogenesis, DNA modification, and cell lysis (5,24,26,36,50,59 (50, 51). Sequencing of the Pm region upstream of the transcription start site revealed significant similarity to the consensus E. coli promoter -10 region (49). In contrast, there was only modest similarity in the -35 region, suggesting that this promoter might need an accessory DNA binding factor for initiation (44,49). In this paper, we identify a Mu early gene product that positively regulates transcription from the Pm promoter.
MATERIALS AND METHODSMedia, chemicals, and enzymes. Bacteria were grown in L broth, SB broth, or SBMg (SB broth containing 2 mM MgSO4) or on LB plates (22) supplemented with ampicillin (40 pug/m1), kanamycin (20 jig/ml), and chloramphenicol (30 pig/ml) when necessary. Titers of phage lysates were determined on LB or TCMG plates (50) in a soft agar overlay (22). Supplemented M9 minimal medium, containing 0.01% of each amino acid, 0.4% glucose, 2 jxg of thiamine per ml, 1 mM MgSO4, and 0.1 mM CaCl2 was used for P-galactosidase assays (35). Rifampin, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--i-D-galactoside, and isopropyl-,3-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) were from Sigma Chemical Co. The T7 labeling medium was supplemented minimal medium lacking methionine and cysteine (34). Radiolabeled methionine was from New England Nuclear Corp., and the radiolabeled protein size markers were from Bethesda Research Laboratories, Inc.The Sequenase kit for dideoxynucleotide DNA sequence analysis (46) of pKM67 and pKM71 was from U.S. Biochemical Corp. RNase and pronase were from Sigma. The Kle...