The goal of this paper is to provide a control design methodology that can assure the closed-loop performances of a physical plant, while compensating the timevarying delays introduced by the communication network that links the controller with the remote process. Firstly, the error caused by the time-varying delays is modeled as a disturbance and a novel method of bounding the disturbances is proposed. Then, a robust one step ahead predictive controller based on flexible control Lyapunov functions is designed, which explicitly takes into account the bounds of the disturbances caused by time-varying delays and guarantees also the input-to-state stability of the system in a non-conservative way. Moreover, it is shown that by choosing an appropriately Lyapunov function, the MPC algorithm amounts solving a single, lowcomplexity linear program each sampling instant. The modeling method and the control strategy were tested on a vehicle drivetrain controlled through CAN, with the aim of damping driveline oscillations, which is crucial in improving driveability and passenger comfort. Several TrueTime simulations based on realistic scenarios show that the proposed control scheme can handle both the performance/physical constraints and the strict limitations on the computational complexity.