Keywords:Cadmium coating replacement Aluminum slurry Steel Atmospheric corrosión Aeronautical applicationsCadmium has been widely used as a coating to provide protection against galvanic corrosión for steels and for its natural lubricity on threaded applications. However, it is a toxic metal and a known carcinogenic agent, which is plated from an aqueous bath containing cyanide salts. For these reasons, the use of cadmium has been banned in Europe for most industrial applications. However, the aerospace industry is still exempt due to the stringent technical and safety requirements associated with aeronautical applications, as an acceptable replacement is yet to be found. Al slurry coatings have been developed as an alternative to replace cadmium coatings. The coatings were deposited on AISI 4340 steel and have been characterized by optical and electrón microscopy. Testing included salt fog corrosión exposure, fluid corrosión exposure (immersion), humidity resistance, coating-substrate and paint-coating adhesión, electric conductivity, galvanic corrosión, embrittlement and fatigue. The results indicated that Al slurry coatings are an excellent alternative for Cd replacement.