Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) are the highest performing photoncounting technology in the near-infrared (NIR). Due to delay-line effects, large area SNSPDs typically trade-off timing resolution and detection efficiency. Here, we introduce a detector design based on transmission line engineering and differential readout for device-level signal conditioning, enabling a high system detection efficiency and a low detector jitter, simultaneously. To make our differential detectors compatible with single-ended time taggers, we also engineer analog differentialto-single-ended readout electronics, with minimal impact on the system timing resolution. Our niobium nitride differential SNSPDs achieve 47.3 % ± 2.4 % system detection efficiency and sub-10 ps system jitter at 775 nm, while at 1550 nm they achieve 71.1 % ± 3.7 % system detection efficiency and 13.1 ps ± 0.4 ps system jitter. These detectors also achieve sub-100 ps timing response at one one-hundredth maximum level, 30.7 ps ± 0.4 ps at 775 nm and 47.6 ps ± 0.4 ps at 1550 nm, enabling time-correlated single-photon counting with high dynamic range response functions. Furthermore, thanks to the differential impedance-matched design, our detectors exhibit delay-line imaging capabilities and photon-number resolution. The properties and high-performance metrics achieved by our system make it a versatile photon-detection solution for many scientific applications.