ABSTRACT. To assess the role of genetic regulation as a state levels of GALT sp act (7). In this report, we have assessed modulating factor in the variability of rat tissue galactose-GALT sp act and steady state mRNA during postnatal rat liver I-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) sp act, we have development and in various tissues of the adult rat. Our findings determined steady state GALT mRNA and sp act in rat that there is a correlation between the two parameters in these liver during postnatal development. Steady state GALT investigations indicates that genetic regulation plays an impormRNA levels increase from birth to d 5 and subsequently tant role in modulating GALT activity. Our findings form the decrease toward adult levels. GALT sp act mirrors the basis of this report. mRNA pattern. A survey of steady state mRNA and GALT sp act of several adult rat tissues revealed marked tissue differences with a good correlation of the two parameters.
MATERIALS A N D M E T H O D SLiver had the highest GALT mRNA and sp act; kidney, ..lnimul.s. Timed pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats from Charles ovary, a_nd heart had similar but lower mRNA and sp act; River Breeding Farms (Wilmington. MA) were housed three per skeletal muscle and testes had the least GALT mRNA and cage with free access to food and water in a room with a 10: 14 enzyme sp act. These findings suggest that genetic regu-h 1ight:dark cycle. All experiments were performed using the lirtion is important in the variable expression of GALT Children' Chomczynski and Sacchi (8). One hundred mg of tissue were homogenized using a Dounce homogenizer in 1 The metabolism of galactose, a major carbohydrate constituent mL of 4 M guanidinium thiocyanate. 25 mM sodium citrate. of almost all animal milk, is controlled by the three enzymes of pH 7, 0.5% SDS, and O.' 2-mercapt0ethan01. The tissue was the Leloir pathway, galactokinase, GALT, and UDP galactose-transferred to a ~ol~pr0pYlene tube and sequentially extracted 4-epimerase ( 1). ~h~~ GALT is a key enzyme in the pathway is with acidified phenol and chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (49: 1). highlighted by human galactosemia due to deficient GALT ac-The RNA was precipitated with isopropanol and resuspended in tivity. Interest in this recessively inherited disorder has fostered 1 mL of dieth~l~~rocarbonate-treated water. The RNA concenefforts to delineate the mechanism responsible for regulation of tration was determined by at 260 nm UV.GALT activity. We have previously described increases in liver Separate Northern blots of RNA obtained from newborn rat GALT sp act in rats fed a highegalactose diet (2). in pregnant liver and adult rat tissues were generated by electrophoresis of female rat liver, possibly related to progesterone (3. 4), and in l o pg RNA a I% agarOse-fomaldehYde gel the postnatal development of rat liver (5). We have also described by a Zetabind membrane (CUNO. variation of GALT sp act in different rat tissues (5) and modu-Meriden, CT). The RNA was fixed to the membrane using a lation by uridine nucleotides (6). ...