Background Despite advances in urologic imaging, the paucity of an optimal technique that accurately clarifies obstructive and nonobstructive hydroureter exists. Objective This study was conducted to introduce a novel and modified ultrasonographic technique, known as drainage-related ultrasonography (DRUS), discriminating obstructive and nonobstructive, nonrefluxing hydroureter. Materials and methods A total of 358 children (mean age, 3.7 years) with 418 nonrefluxing hydroureter were included. These children were composed of two groups of obstructive nonrefluxing (141 children with 157 dilated ureters) and nonobstructive, nonrefluxing (217 children with 261 hydroureter). The definite diagnosis regarding the subtype of hydroureter was derived from appropriate investigation. The maximum diameter of the dilated ureter, which was observed on ultrasonography, was recorded before and after 3 h of catheterization, as D1 and D2, respectively. To assess the D ratio, a formula was developed, that is, [(|D1 -D2|)/D1] 9 100. Values were recorded and cutoff points were set to discriminate between subtypes. Results Obstructive versus nonobstructive subtypes of nonrefluxing hydroureter were clarified with 78.5 % sensitivity and 83.4 % specificity, by setting a cutoff point of 22 % for the D ratio. Regardless of the cutoff point assigned to the reduction in D (D2 compared with D1), DRUS revealed 93.9 % sensitivity, 80.6 % specificity, 63.2 % positive predictive value, and 97.4 % negative predictive value in discriminating upper from lower obstruction. Conclusion DRUS affords favorable results in terms of differentiating between obstructive and nonobstructive, nonrefluxing hydroureter, as well as between upper and lower obstruction in obstructive cases. It has the potential to become an efficient imaging modality in the diagnostic algorithm of hydroureter.Keywords Urinary tract obstruction Á Hydroureter Á Technetium-99 m DTPA Á Radioisotope renography Á Urinary bladder Á Drainage Sommario Background Nonostante i progressi nella diagnostica per immagini urologica, vi è la mancanza di una tecnica ottimale che definisca con precisione l'idrouretere ostruttivo e non-ostruttivo. Obiettivi Questo studio è stato condotto per introdurre una nuova e modificata tecnica ecografica (US), conosciuta (2015) 18:117-125 DOI 10.1007/s40477-014-0128-z come drenaggio correlato all'ecografia (DRUS), per discriminare l'idrourete ostruttivo da quello non-ostruttivo. Materiali e metodi Un totale di 358 bambini (età media: 3,7 anni) con 418 idroureteri senza reflussi sono stati inclusi nello studio. Questi bambini sono stati divisi in due gruppi, con forme ostruttive, senza reflusso (141 bambini con 157 ureteri dilatati) e con forme non-ostruttive, senza reflusso (217 bambini con 261 idroureteri). La diagnosi definitiva riguardo il sottotipo di idrouretere è stata fatta con indagini appropriate. Il diametro massimo dell'uretere dilatato misurato con ecografia, è stato registrato prima e tre ore dopo la cateterizzazione, rispettivamente come D1...