The expression of an Arabidopsis acyl carrier protein (ACP) gene promoter has been examined in transgenic tobacco plants by linking it to the reporter gene beta-glucuronidase (GUS). Fluorometric analysis showed that the ACP gene promoter was most active in developing seeds. Expression was also high in roots, but significantly lower in young leaves and downregulated upon their maturation. Etiolated and light-grown seedlings showed the same level of GUS activity, indicating that this promoter is not tightly regulated by light. Histochemical studies revealed that expression was usually highest in apical/meristematic zones of vegetative tissues. Young flowers (ca. 1 cm in length) showed GUS staining in nearly all cell types, however, cell-specific patterns emerged in more mature flowers. The ACP gene promoter was active in the stigma and transmitting tissue of the style, as well as in the tapetum of the anther, developing pollen, and ovules. The results provide evidence that this ACP gene is regulated in a complex manner and is responsive to the array of signals which accompany cell differentiation, and a demand for fatty acids and lipids, during organogenesis.