The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the memorable tourism experiences, destination satisfaction and behavioural intentions that ecotourists have gained from their visits within the scope of ecotourism. The study was designed in accordance with the quantitative research design. The data used in the study were collected by applying a survey technique on eco-tourists visiting the Kümbet Plateau, Mavi Göl, Göksu Travertines and Kuzalan Waterfall destinations in Giresun/Türkiye, in line with the aim of the study. In this context, the population of the research consists of eco-tourists visiting these destinations, while the sample group consists of 482 participants out of 500 reached between November, 2022 and February, 2023. In the analysis of the collected data, reliability, t-test, variance (ANOVA), correlation and regression analyses were used. As a result of the correlation analysis performed to determine the direction and severity of the relationship between the variables, it was determined that there was a positive and moderate relationship between the general memorable tourism experiences of ecotourists and their general behavioural intentions. It has been observed that there was a positive and high-level relationship between general memorable tourism experiences and general destination satisfaction. Another result of the correlation analysis is that there was a positive and moderate relationship between ecotourists' destination satisfaction and their general behavioural intentions. According to the results of the regression analysis, it was concluded that the memorable tourism experiences and destination satisfactions of the participants positively affected their behavioural intentions. In addition, in line with the findings obtained from the analysis of the study, suggestions were presented for the interested parties.