Objective: the aim of the study is to identify the combinations of psychological capital components (PsyCap) and person’s traits which can impact the person’s well-being in the situation of uncertainity and stress.
Theoretical framework: the methodogical principles of determinism (the assumption that all behaviors have a specific cause) and systemic approach (analyzing complex phenomena by studying the interrelations between various components as a whole) were adopted. The main theory which was taken into account is an Evidence-Based Positive Approach of psychological Capital (Luthans F. et al, 2017).
Methods: the theoretical review of the psychological aspects of uncertainty and the psychological survey was conducted (with the application of Psychological Capital Questionnaire-PCQ, Myers–Briggs Type Indicator-MBTI, The Spielberger-Hanin anxiety test-STAI)
Results and discussion: the study revealed that some combinations of personal traits and components of psychological capital can lead to adaptation during uncertainty and stress more effectively even with higher level of trait anxiety.
Research implications: the results can be applied in the sphere of psychological support to deal with potential challenges with limited resources by organizing the effective mechanism of coping with uncertainty and stress.
Originality: the study contributes the 3th objective of SDG (good health and well-being). The algorithm of effective perception of uncertainty was shown and some consistent patterns of PsyCap components were revealed.