Aegiphila brachiata is a forest native Brazilian species, known as peloteiro, with high capacity for biomass production and resistance to disturbances, having potential use in degraded ecosystems. Seeing the scarcity of studies on the species, we aimed to determine the morphobiometric characteristics of fruits, seeds and seedlings; and evaluate its germination potential. We determined physical characteristics of fruits and seeds, morphological description of seeds, germination stages and seedling development. Germination was in a completely randomized design (factorial scheme), with three temperatures (20, 25, and 30°C) and two methods of overcoming dormancy (partial and total endocarp removal). Fruits are indehiscent, fleshy, with persistent calyx. The pyrene is constituted by endocarp and seeds. Germination is hypogeal, and seedling cryptocotyledonary. Results show that removing the endocarp with the unprecedented methodology used is a suitable method to overcome mechanical dormancy (with 25 and 30°C), showing potential of the method for applicability in several species.