Abstract. Knee flexion contracture on a stump side is a phenomenon in which the stump cannot move in normal range of motion (ROM) or cannot be fully extended. This study has been carried out by using Biodex Stability System (BSS) in order to investigate the effect of stump flexion contracture towards the postural stability among the transtibial prosthesis users with the intervention of alignment accommodation. The BSS provides the reading of anterior-posterior stability index (APSI), medial-lateral stability index (MLSI), and overall stability index (OSI). Higher reading of the index indicates lesser stability. Each of the subjects had been tested in three different sessions that were Visit 1 (before contracture improvement), Visit 2 (after contracture improvement without alignment readjustment), and Visit 3 (after contracture improvement with alignment readjustment). The APSI reading was significantly higher during Visit 2 compared to Visit 1 and Visit 3. The OSI during Visit 2 was also found significantly higher compared to Visit 3. In Visit 2, the degree of contracture was significantly improved with 44.1% less than Visit 1. The stability index in anterior-posterior aspect (APSI) was proven to be lower as the prosthetic alignment was adjusted according to the ROM of knee. This finding explained that the alignment set up based on the adaptation with the stump's ROM can contribute positively in maintaining postural stability.
BackgroundKnee contracture or flexion contracture on the stump is one of the common problems occurred among the below knee amputees. It refers to the situation in which the patient cannot fully straighten the knee or in other words, the range of motion of the joint is limited from normal [1]. It is a result of the shortening and tightness of the muscles which might be associated with their structural changes due to the long period of bending position or inactivity due to the illness and lack of exercise [2]. The significant characteristics of contracture are limitation of joint mobility and increasing resistance of the joint to passive ROM which is the movement of joint applied by external power, either by someone or by exercise machine [3]. The mobility of joint is very important for a prosthetic candidate. This is because the limitation of joint motion which refers to joint contracture will significantly affect the fitting and function of the prosthesis [4].In overcoming the contracture, most of the efforts are focused on treating the contracture itself, decreasing the contracture angle or prevent it from becoming worse. For transtibial amputation cases, the amputees are advised to avoid placing pillow under the knee. An extension board is commonly used to be placed across the back of the knee joint to ensure the extension position [5]. Besides, stretching the soft tissues which can be done actively or passively is also very helpful to overcome the contracture.