The accurate computation of the electrostatic capacity of three dimensional objects is a fascinating benchmark problem with a long and rich history. In particular, the capacity of the unit cube has widely been studied, and recent advances allow to compute its capacity to more than ten digits of accuracy. However, the accurate computation of the capacity for general three dimensional polyhedra is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm based on a combination of ZZ-type a posteriori error estimation and effective operator preconditioned boundary integral formulations to easily compute the capacity of complex three dimensional polyhedra to 5 digits and more. While this paper focuses on the capacity as a benchmark problem, it also discusses implementational issues of adaptive boundary element solvers, and we provide codes based on the boundary element package Bempp to make the underlying techniques accessible to a wide range of practical problems.Date: July 4, 2019. Key words and phrases. electrostatic capacity, boundary integral equations, adaptivity, operator preconditioning.Acknowledgement. The research of AH and DP is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) by the research project Optimal adaptivity for BEM and FEM-BEM coupling (grant P27005) and the special research program Taming complexity in PDE systems (grant SFB F65).