“…Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) has been an alternative modeling paradigm for optimization under uncertainty, where the probability distributions of random parameters are not fully known. Interested readers are referred to Rahimian and Mehrotra (2019) (i) Moment ambiguity set is specified by the acquired knowledge of some moments (e.g., known first two moments), and has been successfully applied to many different settings (see for example, Delage and Ye 2010, Bertsimas et al 2010, Goh and Sim 2010, Bertsimas et al 2018b, Wiesemann et al 2014, Hanasusanto et al 2015, Natarajan and Teo 2017, Li et al 2017, Xie and Ahmed 2018a,b, Zhang et al 2018b). Delage and Ye (2010) shows that if the first two moments are known or bounded from above, and the recourse function can be expressed as piecewise maximum of a finite number of functions which are convex in x and concave in the random parametersξ, then the function Z(x) have a tractable representation.…”