C Aσ= aerodynamic axial force coefficient derivative with respect to equivalent fins angle, rad −1 C lδ a = aerodynamic rolling moment coefficient derivative with respect to aileron angle, rad −1 C mδ e = aerodynamic pitch moment coefficient derivative with respect to elevator angle, rad −1 C Nδ e = aerodynamic normal force coefficient derivative with respect to elevator angle, rad −1 C nδ r = aerodynamic yaw moment coefficient derivative with respect to rudder angle, rad −1 c ref = chord of reference, m C Yδ r = aerodynamic lateral force coefficient derivative with respect to ruder angle, rad −1 F x ; F y ; F z = forces in body-axis direction, N h ref = reference height commanded, m I 0 = inertia tensor, kg ⋅ m 2 I 3×3 = 3 × 3 identity matrix M x ; M y ; M z = torque represented in body axis, N∕m m = mass, kg q = dynamic pressure, N∕m 2 S ref = reference surface, m 2 t = time, s V 0 = average velocity, m∕s v x ; v y ; v z = velocity in body-axis direction, m∕s x, y, z = Cartesian coordinates of position, m α, β = angles of attack and sideslip, rad α 0 = predicted angle of attack when in steady-state flight, rad δ a ; δ e ; δ r = aileron, elevator, and rudder equivalent angles, rad δ a 0 ; δ e 0 ; δ r 0 = predicted steady-state flight angles of aileron, elevator, and rudder, rad ϕ, θ, ψ = roll, pitch, and yaw angles, rad ω x ; ω y ; ω z = angular rate represented in body axis, rad/s