In the face of escalating global concerns surrounding environmental sustainability and the preservation of cultural heritage, this research explores the intricate connection between residents’ environmentally responsible conduct (ERB) and tourists’ sustainable involvement with cultural heritage sites (SU). Highlighting the pivotal importance of destination identification (DI) as a mediator and self-congruity (SC) as a moderator, our study utilizes a quantitative data approach to investigate the nuanced relationships inherent in the domain of tourism destinations. The data were collected from 324 tourists (visiting Luxor heritage city in Egypt) and analyzed by PLS-SEM, and the results showed a positive correlation between residents who strongly identify with their local environment and an increased dedication to environmentally responsible actions. Moreover, tourists who demonstrate elevated levels of self-congruity with the cultural heritage destination are inclined to embrace more sustainable behaviors, thereby making positive contributions to heritage preservation initiatives. This study enriches the evolving domain of sustainable tourism by providing insights into the intricate interactions between residents and tourists, fostering environmentally responsible behavior, and promoting the sustainable utilization of cultural heritage. Practical applications encompass the formulation of community-based interventions, the design of destination marketing strategies, and the proposal of policy recommendations. These initiatives aim to enhance the engagement of both residents and tourists, fostering the long-term preservation of cultural and environmental assets. Ultimately, the research seeks to guide sustainable tourism practices that strike a balance between the economic advantages of tourism and the essential preservation of cultural heritage and natural environments for future generations.