BACKGROUND: The INTERCEPT Blood System (IBS)for platelets (PLTs) uses a combination of psoralen and ultraviolet-A light to inactivate pathogens that may contaminate PLT concentrates (PCs). However, no data are available on the quality of IBS-treated PLTs from different apheresis and buffy-coat PC preparation platforms using the new triple storage (TS) set.
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS:The objective of this study was to evaluate the TS set on three different preparation platforms compared with the large-volume (LV) set, as control. PLT in vitro metabolic and activation parameters were studied over 7 days.RESULTS: Several statistical differences are observed between the two sets, particularly for pH, oxygen pressure (pO 2 ), carbonic gaz pressure (pCO 2 ), and bicarbonate. The three different preparation techniques influence PLT parameters, and the difference is statistically significant for all the studied parameters, except for pCO 2 . The TS set has the advantage of shorter compound adsorption device time, higher PLT recoveries, and less PLT activation. ABBREVIATIONS: APC = apheresis platelet concentrate; ATP = adenosine triphosphate; BC = buffy-coat; BCPC = buffy-coat platelet concentrate; CAD = compound adsorption device; ELISA = enzymelinked immunosorbent assay; HCO 3 = bicarbonate; IBS = INTERCEPT Blood System; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; LV = large volume; PAS = platelet additive solution; PC(s) = platelet concentrate(s); PI = pathogen inactivation; PLT = platelet; TACSI PL = Terumo automated centrifuge and separator integration platelet; TS = triple storage; UV = ultraviolet.From the