Today, it is widely acknowledged that the use of the Internet and the development, production, and sharing of content over the web has become widespread. Web technologies that provide these conveniences are commonly referred to as Web 2.0 tools. This study aims to develop the skills of pre-service teachers who will teach Turkish as a mother tongue to produce digital content for mother tongue teaching with Web 2.0 tools. The research was conducted with action research, one of the qualitative research methods. The participants developed their digital content production skills through the research using many different Web 2.0 tools. With these different Web 2.0 tools, the participants developed instructional content such as puzzles, online quizzes, presentations, video preparation and editing, blogs/websites, and concept maps. The various digital contents developed by the participants with different Web 2.0 tools are digital teaching materials for reading, writing, listening/watching, and speaking skills that form the basis of mother tongue teaching. The participants' thoughts about feeling inadequate about web 2.0 tools before the implementation changed after the implementation. The participants could produce content with Web 2.0 tools, improve their teaching skills, and benefit from these tools in their teaching practicum.