The Standard Model (SM), when extended with a leptoquark (LQ) and right-handed neutrinos, can have interesting new implications for Higgs physics. We show that sterile neutrinos can induce a boost to the down-type quark Yukawa interactions through a diagonal coupling associated with the quarks and a scalar LQ of electromagnetic charge 1=3. The relative change is moderately larger in the case of the first two generations of quarks, as they have vanishingly small Yukawa couplings in the SM. The enhancement in the couplings would also lead to a non-negligible contribution from the quark fusion process to the production of the 125 GeV Higgs scalar in the SM, though the gluon fusion always dominates. However, this may not be true for a general scalar. As an example, we consider a scenario with a SM-gauge-singlet scalar ϕ where an Oð1Þ coupling between ϕ and the LQ is allowed. The ϕqq Yukawa couplings can be generated radiatively only through a loop of LQ and sterile neutrinos. Here, the quark fusion process can have a significant cross section, especially for a light ϕ. It can even supersede the normally dominant gluon fusion process for a moderate to large value of the LQ mass. This model can be tested/constrained at the high luminosity run of the LHC through a potentially large branching fraction of the scalar to two jets.