Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017) 2017
DOI: 10.24251/hicss.2017.542
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Addressing the tacit knowledge gap in knowledge systems across agential realism

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Cited by 5 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 27 publications
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“…Here, 'explication' is a constructivist term referring to expressing out loud what we believe or interpret to be the explicit form of tacit knowledge, as opposed to a full representational or objective conversion from tacit knowledge into its explicit form such that both have identical contents (Glasersfeld, 1995;Ribeiro and Collins, 2007;Ray and Clegg, 2007;Collins, 2010). For reasons of scope and limitations, we invite readers to a more detailed argumentation as presented in both Holford and Hadaya (2017) as well as Sanzogni, Guzman and Busch. (2017).…”
Section: Language and Conversation As Ambiguous Knowledgementioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Here, 'explication' is a constructivist term referring to expressing out loud what we believe or interpret to be the explicit form of tacit knowledge, as opposed to a full representational or objective conversion from tacit knowledge into its explicit form such that both have identical contents (Glasersfeld, 1995;Ribeiro and Collins, 2007;Ray and Clegg, 2007;Collins, 2010). For reasons of scope and limitations, we invite readers to a more detailed argumentation as presented in both Holford and Hadaya (2017) as well as Sanzogni, Guzman and Busch. (2017).…”
Section: Language and Conversation As Ambiguous Knowledgementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Both traditional and more recent learning algorithms involve the processing of data that has been restructured and formatted (Faraj et al, 2018) within an objectivist (or representational) approach to knowledge that can be defined, measured, formalized/codified as words, signs and numbers, as well as stored and shared as data (Szulanski, 2000). This IT (information technology) view of the firm (Alavi and Tiwana, 2003;Selamat and Choudrie, 2004;Falconer, 2006), as argued by Holford and Hadaya (2017) as well as Sanzogni et al (2017), has often neglected an adequate understanding of what indeed constitutes the tacit dimension. More specifically, current approaches are flawed in two connected ways:…”
Section: Ai's Efficient Enactment Of Truncated Knowledgementioning
confidence: 99%
“…Agential realism has the potential to address and limit the tacit knowledge gap in traditional knowledge systems. Holford and Hadaya (2017) explain that agential realism could be accomplished, "by creating an opportunity for individuals (or groups) who possess and act out embodied tacit knowledge to continue to do so in the presence of communication and information technology, which in turn, act as enhancers of tacit knowledge creation and sharing within the groups or individuals in question. "…”
Section: Possible Research Entry Pointsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…We argue that agential realism offers the opportunity for individuals (or groups) who possess and act out embodied tacit knowledge to continue to do so in the presence of communication and information technology, with the latter acting as enhancers of tacit knowledge creation and sharing within the groups or individuals in question [41].…”
Section: Agential Realism and Its Implications For Knowledge Managementmentioning
confidence: 99%